Gina is a Registered Kinesiologist; having graduated from Lakehead University in 2006 with an Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology degree and a minor in Sociology. Gina has been promoting a healthy and fit lifestyle for over 20 years. She has been certified as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, fitness consultant and appraiser, Stott Pilates instructor and Metabolic Typing Nutrition Advisor. She has played the role of successful entrepreneur, program coordinator and key community leader in health and fitness. Gina has a dynamic personality and a naturally motivating spirit which invokes inspiration in everyone she meets, trains and mentors. Gina is committed to a healthy and fit lifestyle; dedicated to the community and passionate about people!
- Rehabilitation
- Pilates/Core
- Yoga/Flexibility/Mobility
- Lifting technique
- Spinning
- Walking my dog Gemma
- Hiking
- Biking
- In-line skating
- Reading
- Sunday dinners with my kids
- Socializing with family and friends
- Travelling
“Your thoughts become your beliefs, your beliefs create your desires and your desires create your life – think positive, believe in the positive, desire the positive and your life will be amazingly positive!I like to walk my talk; therefore, my training and coaching style is derived from this philosophy. No matter what you want – strength, power, weight loss, to feel better, to eat healthier, to increase your aerobic capacity, to improve your athletic skills – you can do it – you just have to believe in yourself. Nike says it well “just do it”. I truly believe that I have the best job in the world – to inspire and motivate my clients to become the best that they can become – to live a healthy and fit lifestyle.”
Gina Huneau has owned and operated Synergee since October 2011.
- Registered Kinesiologist
- Honors Bachelor Kinesiology
- Certified Personal Trainer
- Certified Fitness Leader
- Certified Fitness Consultant
- Scott Pilates Certified
- Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 1
- CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
- Crossfit Level 2 Trainer
- CrossFit Judges Course
- Crossfit Weight Lifting
- CrossFit Gymnastics
- Certified Yogafit